Meet the Team

Paul & Cristie Barone

Lead Pastor

Originally from New York, Pastor Paul and his family made their way to Maine in 2014 in response to God’s leading. Paul became pastor of Crossroads Community Church in 2019 while continuing to work full time as a UPS driver. Cristie leads our music ministry. Their approach to ministry is to preach the Word, point people to Jesus, and encourage and empower others in their personal callings. 

Steve & Doreen Dunn

Elder, Treasurer

Steven Dunn heads the Bread of Life ministry and serves an an Elder at Crossroads Community Church. Every week, Steve relentlessly serves the congregation and those who are in need with food, encouragement, and love. His wife, Doreen, leads bible studies Wednesday afternoons at 12:30. The two have been married since 1983, have four grown children, and have spent the greater part of their lives together in ministry.

Bryan Lewis

Deacon, Men's Ministry Leader

Bryan Lewis is one of the longest-standing members of Crossroads Community Church, and has an impassioned heart for discipling men and teaching and preaching The Word of God to people in all walks of life. Born in Mobile, Alabama, the Lord called him to come to Maine. 

Colbey & Jasmine Bowen

Hope Group Leaders

Colbey and Jasmine lead our Crossroads HOPE group ministry. Their heart is to be disciples who equip disciples and leaders who equip leaders. When not working or serving, they can be found doing ordinary life adventures with their son Farley, climbing a local rock crag, spending time with friends and family, playing music in the living room, or on a project on their budding homestead.